This site is considered by the Government as a public service and is also considered public information contained therein.
Any attempts to change information, upload information, or any other action that might damage or endanger the integrity of the system are strictly prohibited.
The portal of the Government of Timor-Leste aims to improve public access to information about public policies and the steps the Government of Timor-Leste.
The material contained on this site consists of general information that is not necessarily complete, accurate or updated.
It is sometimes linked to external sites over which the Government has no control and for which assumes no responsibility.
This portal cannot guarantee that a document available online exactly reproduces an officially adopted text. Therefore, only the version of documents published in the Official Gazette is considered authentic.
The purpose of this site to minimize disruption caused by technical errors. However some data or information contained on this website may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error, with the consequence of not being able to ensure no interruption or no disruption of service because of such problems. The Government assumes no liability for such problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.
The content of the portal is protected by copyright under existing laws and international conventions and may not be used outside the conditions of this Portal.
You can copy, import or use information or national symbols in this portal for personal or public use provided it has not unlawful aims, profit or offensive. The user should always refer to source of information.
Concerning the sites to which this portal is linked to be obtained the permission of the authors of that material or reference to the source as declarations of their copyright.
The copyright does not apply to speeches, statements, announcements made by members of government, although its author, date and circumstances should be mentioned for good information.
The information collected on visitors to the portal is not personal, so it ensures the confidentiality of the identity of the visitor.
However, the visitors always identify the users who commit unlawful acts within the Portal, violate their code of conduct, or when requested by judicial decision.
If the visitor sends a message to the portal, your address will not be recorded or disclosed, except as requested by court order.